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I hope you enjoy the trip, I know I did. I am from Indiana and even though I spent 10 years on an island in the Caribbean, this trip was one of the highlights of my life.

I, am by birth a flat lander and a 10 mi. view across cornfields and bean fields is what my eyes see most of the time. So, when I got into the mountains of Northern Idaho I was amazed.

It was not that they were so high, it was ore that they were rugged and the roaring rivers that flowed along side and down them were just incredible. I made several videos, ot for the scenery so much as for ht sound of the water rushing over the rocks and down the hillsides.

Anyway, I am glad you have purchased the book and will be taking our trip with us. You can click the link below to download the e-book.

Click Here to Download


Joe Massey