Video Creation

Customized Stock Videos are OK,
we have a lot of them.

But sometimes you just need a unique video to promote your business, your products or even a way to repurpose your marketing efforts using existing assets. Below are three examples of custom videos using various approaches. Please watch them and if your business might benefit from having a custom video let’s talk.

Our goal is to help you decide what makes sense for your business and we would be honored to have the opportunity to help you make an informed decision. Even if that decision is “not for me”. Of course, we hope it will be “Yes! Let’s get started!” So, check these out, mull it over and give me a call at (217)474-3971 or send me an e-mail and let’s talk.

The video below requires no words, yet conveys a powerful message.
We can make videos with words, if you need them.


Are you playing in a band? Want a video of your tune(s)?
This one only took two pictures and the music:


Or maybe you are running radio ads and would like to have them made into a video.
ATD Marketing can do that:


No matter what type of video you might want ATD marketing can help you realize it. We have the software, the knowledge and the passion required to make a video image for you and we guarantee it will make you look good. Contact us today for more details. There is never any obligation, we just want you to make an informed decision. Call us at: (217) 474-3971 or send us an e-mail.